October 3, 2011

What Matters Most

In my days as a stickler for routine, I was disciplined in not letting work interfere with home life.
Now, I must first admit that my priorities were wrong in a lot of areas, but I was good at leaving work at work.

Presently I am understaffed, need more grant money, have endless weeks of meetings, and have more and more clients that need services. I could work non-stop doing good work to help a majority of people... but.... well I choose not to. It would be at the expense of something greater.

Because when it comes down to it....
There will always be someone who needs something else.
More work to be done.
More money to be earned.
And there are some people who will take all that you are willing to give.

Sure I need to work to pay bills and put food on the table; and I am blessed with a job that I enjoy.

Yet I have seen that having the right priorities, somehow reaps benefits in those other areas that I choose not to give myself away in. Not always to the extent that I would like, but enough to make a difference.

Our world is full of people on the fast track to the next best thing. Be it money, or cars, or vacations, or another house. Sure, honestly I want it all too.......but it would cost more than I am willing to give.

The real truth is though, that I have already been blessed with more than I deserve. And at the end of the day what matters most to me.....are the three little blessings that remind me the truth of what.....

Joy is.....
and Grace is.....
and Love is.

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