May 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me

Friday looms on turning the page                                            
Another year gone by;
Body changes, a few gray hairs,
Glasses a necessity not just a rage

Getting older may not be fun
But you cannot stop;
Natural physical changes that occur,
Nope, you can't even stop just one

But the mind, on the mind one can adjust
To never lose childlike awe;
Beauty abounds in the simple,
Joyfully overdosing on wanderlust

Kisses from the ocean floor
Dancing in the rain;
Jumping into the waves
Never seeing a closed door

Singing like your inner rock star
Laughing just because;
Coloring never in the lines
Not caring it's too far

Believing in miracles so true and real
Dandelion wishes sent;
Admiring natures animals
Giving kisses endlessly, even more to steal

Rainbow reminders that something greater exists
Blessings of years gone by;
Thank you God for thirty-five
I am ready for thirty-six!

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